No Agency Amount Year Remarks
1 SRS & KSCSTE 13,82,000 2022-2025

Dr. Shinto P Mathew- Enhancement of Multiferroicity by Electron Doping in Double Perovskites

2 SERB- 1 39,93,264 2021-2024

Dr. Manudev KM- Taxonomic revision of the genus Bupleurum (Apiaceae) in India and Molecular Characterization of Species used in Traditional Medicines

3 DBT 1,04,00,000 2020-2023

Dr. Manoj Mathew- Star College Scheme.

4 SERB- 2 45,07,240 2019-2022

Dr. Sabu K Thomas- Taxonomy and Biogeographic Affinities of the lesser known Carabidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) in the Northwest, Central and North-Eastern regions of India.

5 RUSA- 1 1,15,000 2019-2021

Mr. Robin Xavier- Between "Achayans" and the Other: the Shifting Paradigms of the Christian Hero Stereotyping in Malayalam Cinema since 1985.

6 RUSA- 2 1,08,000 2019-2021

Ms. Neethu Baby- Transcending Cinemascope- a Transgression to the Aesthetics and Morality of the Popular Cult of Mollywood new Generation Cinema.

7 RUSA- 3 2,25,000 2019-2021

Dr. Binu Thomas- Anthropogenic Impacts on Riparian Flora of River Chaliyar, Kerala, India.

8 RUSA- 4 2,20,000 2019-2021

Dr. Delse P Sebastian- Assessment of Pesticide and Heavy Metal Contamination in Soil and Development of Phytoremediation System in Kozhikode District, Kerala.

9 RUSA- 5 2,15,000 2019-2021

Dr. Satheesh George- Investigation on the Chemical Modification of Bioactive Molecules of Source Plants in selected Polyherbal Formulations during Ayurvedic Processing.

10 RUSA- 6 2,10,000 2019-2021

Dr. Manudev KM- Taxonomy and Cytology of tribe Areae (Araceae) in Western Ghats, India.

11 RUSA- 7 1,10,000 2019-2021

Mr. Nithin Jose- Green Purchase Behaviour- Perception and Attitude of Keralites towards Green Purchase.

12 RUSA- 8 1,10,000 2019-2021

Ms. Sruthiya VN- Financial Literacy and their Reflections on Financial Attitude and Behaviour among Salaried Class Millennials of the State of Kerala.

13 RUSA- 9 1,10,000 2019-2021

Ms. Jasmine VM- Technology based Utility Bill Payments among Salaried Class in Kerala.

14 RUSA- 10 1,15,000 2019-2021

Fr. Anto NJ- Effectiveness of Educational Programmes among Tribes Folk In Wayanad.

15 RUSA- 11 1,15,000 2019-2021

Fr. Biju Joseph- Impact of Agricultural Credit on Agricultural Production and Rural Economy.

16 RUSA- 12 2,50,000 2019-2021

Mr. Joice Tom J- Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory and Anticancer Activity Activities of Thottea siliquosa and Elucidation of Possible Molecular Mechanism of Action.

17 RUSA- 13 2,55,000 2019-2021

Dr. Jisha Jacob- Diversity and Distribution of Bacterioplankton in Chaliyar River and its Tributaries:  An analysis by high throughput DNA sequencing method.

18 RUSA- 14 2,55,000 2019-2021

Mr. Albert Thomas- Enhancing Bioavailability of Poor Water Soluble Pharmaceuticals via Amorphous Route.

19 RUSA- 15 2,50,000 2019-2021

Ms. Aparna N- Synthesis and Characterization of Tin Sulphide Thin Films by Chemical Methods.

20 RUSA- 16 2,55,000 2019-2021

Dr. Nijesh K James- Structured Lead Free Piezoelectric Composites for Energy Harvesting Applications.

21 RUSA- 17 1,15,000 2019-2021

Ms. Sangeetha MV- A Study on Ideal Topological Spaces.

22 RUSA- 18 1,15,000 2019-2021

Dr. Anjaly Jose- A study on the Related Spaces of Invertible L-Topologicals Paces.

23 RUSA- 19 1,10,000 2019-2021

Ms. Shiny K Mathew- Tradition and Modernity: A Study among Paniya Tribal Community in Wayanad.

24 RUSA- 20 2,40,000 2019-2021

Dr. Jomon Mathew- Multiply-Bonded Silicon Compounds Mediated Small Molecule Fixation- Quantum Mechanical Analysis.

25 RUSA- 21 2,50,000 2019-2021

Dr. Aneesh P- Preparation characterization and Catalytic Activity Evaluation of Electospun Polymer Supported Analysis.

26 RUSA- 22 2,50,000 2019-2021

Dr. Ranimol Stephen- Fabrication of High Performance Materials from Natural Rubber (NR) and Conductive Fillers (CFs) for Electronic Applications by Interphase Modification.

27 RUSA- 23 2,50,000 2019-2021

Dr. Shinu VS- Combinatorial Synthesis of Drug-like Compounds for Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Inhibitors or Antibiotics Based on Classical MCRs and Novel MCRs.

28 RUSA- 24 2,50,000 2019-2021

Dr. Tania Francis- Preparation and Characterisation of Ethylene-Co-Vinyl Acetate/ Functionalized Chitosan Bio-composites for Food Packaging Application.

29 SERB- 3 17,64,161 2018-2021

Dr. Tania Francis- Development of Chitosan Reinforced Polymenr Nanocomposites.

30 SARD 26,01,024 2016-2019

Dr. Manoj Mathew- Infrastructure Strengthening of Post Graduate and Research Department of Chemistry, St. Joseph's College Devagiri.

31 KSCSTE- 1 25,25,400 2016-2019

Dr. Tania Francis- Preparation and Characterisation of HDPE/ Nanochitodan/ Nanohydroxyapatite Biocomposites.

32 UGC- 1 4,90,000 2016-2017

Dr. Soumya Varghese- Design of Phosphate, Silicate and Arsenate Potentioselective Electrode Based on Flotation and Preconcentration of Hydrophobic Multi Component Ion Associates of Heteropoly Molybdate and Cationic Base.

33 UGC- 2 4,00,000 2016-2017

Dr. Jose John Mallikasseri- Exploration of Silylene and Silene Chemistry and Application in Catalysis: in Silico Approach.

34 DST-SERB- 1 33,29,000 2014-2017

Dr. Sabu K Thomas- Taxonomy and Bar-coding of South Indian Carabidae (Insecta: Coleoptera).

35 DST-SERB- 2 17,88,000 2014-2017

Dr. Ranimol Stephen- Fabrication of Thermoplastic- Polyhedral Oligomeric Silses quioxane Nanocomposite Films for Gas Barrier Applications.

36 DST-SERB- 3 23,00,000 2014-2017

Dr. Manoj Mathews- Bent-core Nematic Liquid Crystals: Synthesis and Characterization of New Materials for Novel Applications.

37 UGC- 3 1,30,000 2014-2015

Dr. Vineesh PJ- Taxonomy of Cow dung Associated Staphylinidae, (Coleoptera) from an Agroecosystem in Kozhikode District, Kerala.

38 UGC- 4 97,000 2014-2015

Dr. Benny TM- Effect of Juvenile Hormone Analogues and Ecdysone Agonists on Egg Hatchability, Larval Development and Expression Profile of Egg Proteins in Spodoptera mauritia Boisdual (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae).

39 UGC- 5 3,90,000 2014-2015

Mr. Albert Thomas- Preparation and Nonlinear Characterization of AG/ PVP Nanocolloids.

40 UGC- 6 4,55,000 2014-2015

Dr. Meril Mathew- Preparation and Characterization of Cadmium Free Buffer Layers for Photovoltaic Application Using Chemical Methods.

41 UGC- 7 4,50,000 2014-2015

Dr. R. Sreekumar- Preparation and Characterization of Graphene Based Polymer Nanocomposites.

42 UGC- 8 4,50,000 2014-2015

Dr. Benny Joseph- Preparation and Characterization of Nano Structured Tin Oxide Thin Films for Gas Sensing Applications.

43 UGC- 9 60,000 2014-2015

Mr. Robin Xavier- Hegemonies of Class, Cast, Gender and Ethnicity: the Politics of (De) Stereotyping in the New Generation Malayalam Cinema.

44 UGC- 10 2,50,000 2014-2015

Mr. Asha Mathew- Fish Economy of Kerala: An Enquiry of the Role of Middlemen in the Marketing Process.

45 UGC- 11 1,30,000 2014-2015

Mr. Anish Sebastian- A Study on Attitude of Investors towards Financial Derivatives with Special Reference to Kerala State.

46 UGC- 12 2,15,000 2014-2015

Dr. Aswathi P- Control of the Home Invading Darkling Beetle, Mesomorphus villager and Analysis of the Dormancy Related Variation in Insecticide Susceptibility.

47 UGC- 13 3,20,000 2014-2015

Dr. Delse P Sebastian- Influence of Abiotic Stress Signals on Secondary Metabolite Accumulation in Vitro Cultures of Oldenlandia corymbosa Linn. -an Important Antitumourous and Antimalarial Medicinal Plant.

48 UGC- 14 1,75,000 2014-2015

Dr. Satheesh George- Chemotaxonomic Investigation of the Genus Justicia in Kerala

49 UGC- 15 8,03,000 2014-2015

Dr. Renjis T Tom- Green Chemistry on Continuous flow Reactor supported with Palladium and Metal Oxide Nanocatalysts.

50 KSCSTE- 2 7,60,000 2013-2015

Dr. Tania Francis- Development of Composites Based on Poly(urethane) and Arecanut Leaf Fibre Derived Cellulose.

51 UGC- 16 1,75,000 2013-2014

Dr. Anjaly Jose- A Study on Some properties of invertible L-topological spaces.

52 UGC- 17 1,55,000 2013-2014

Dr. Joby K Jose- A Study on Some Generalised Lifetime Distributions.

53 UGC- 18 1,30,000 2013-2014

Lt. Devasia PA- Marxism in Contemporary Hindi Poetry.

54 UGC- 19 1,33,000 2013-2014

Fr. Anto NJ- Agrarian Shift and Change in Livelihood Strategies: A Changing Demography among Migrated Syrian Christians in North Malabar.

55 UGC- 20 50,000 2013-2014

Mr. Akhin P- A Study on Customers' Satisfaction on Services Provided by Depository Participants in Calicut City.

56 UGC- 21 50,000 2013-2014

Mr. Jobin George- Self Help Groups (SHGS) and the Socio-Economic Empowerment of Fishermen Communities: With Special Reference to the Kozhikode District of Kerala.

57 UGC- 22 30,000 2013-2014

Ms. Shobha CV- Gold as a Safer Investment Alternative among Small and Medium Investors: with Special Reference to Kozhikode District.

58 KSCSTE- 3 14,85,600 2013-2014

Dr. Sibichen M Thomas- Taxonomic Revision of the Genus Osbekia L. (Melastomataceae) in India.

59 UGC- 23 9,35,800 2012-2013

Dr. Muraleedharan TK- Weak C-set-S-set Problem and Related Problems in Spectral Synthesis.

60 KSCSTE- 4 14,61,000 2011-2014

Dr. Santhosh Nampy- Taxonomic Revision of the Genus Murdannia Royle (Commelinaceae) in India.

61 UGC- 24 2,00,000 2011-2013

Dr. Jojo Joseph- Invitro Evaluation of the Genoprotective Effect of Two Species of Averrhoal.

62 UGC- 25 90,000 2011-2012

Fr. Biju Joseph- NREGP Means for Women Empowerment.

63 MoEF 9,28,116 2010-2013

Dr. Sabu K Thomas- Dung Specificity, Guild Structure, Seasonality and Species Composition of Dung Beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeinae) Associated with the Dung Droppings of Major Mammals and Composition of Arboreal Dung Beetles in the Western Ghats.

64 UGC- 26 1,05,000 2010-2012

Dr. Sibichen M Thomas- Invitro Multiplication, Cultivation and Post Harvest Management of Anthuriums.

65 DST-SERC 19,92,000 2009-2013

Dr. Tania Francis- Development of Chitosan Reinforced Polymer Nanocomposites.

66 KSCSTE- 5 10,09,800 2009-2012

Dr. Sabu K Thomas- Biocontrol of Mupli Beetles by Aggregation Pheromones and Control of Premature Leaf Fall in Rubber Plantations.

67 UGC- 27 1,35,000 2009-2011

Dr. Santhosh Nampy- Anatomical and Cytological Studies on Some Genera of Commelinaceae.

68 KSCSTE- 6 10,000 2021

Dr. Arunaksharan N- Effect of the Coconut (Cocos nucifera) and Palmyra palm (Borassus flabellifer) Haustorium Extract on Sodium Fluoride induced Cytotoxicity and its Molecular Mechanism of Action.

69 KSCSTE- 7 10,000 2021

Dr. Arunaksharan N- Chemical composition, antioxidant, antiinflammatory, and anticancer properties of the essential oils from Ocimum basilicum, O. gratissimum, O. tenuiflorum and O. canum.

70 KSCSTE- 8 10,000 2021

Dr. Vineesh PJ- Reasons for Infestation and Measures to Control the Acid Fly (Paederusfucipes) in Kozhikode, Kerala, India with Special Reference to Spatial Distribution and Type of Agro Ecosystems.

71 KSCSTE- 9 10,000 2019

Mr. Joice Tom J- Elucidation of the Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory activities of Thottea siliquosa: Implication in its Anticancer Potential.

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